7 7 7

research page
W H Y 7 7 7 ?

Each board has 7 layers of wood, which coincides with the number of boards in this collection. Since there are 7 boards, we decided to dedicate each board to one of the 7 wonders of the world interpreted by Kiwi, as each of them will be as unique .

More over, the number 777 is a highly spiritual number. It is said that the number 777 is as if it were your own token of gratitude in recognition of your efforts and hard work.
The number 777 is also associated with fortune miracles. Money will be rewarded by angels for your hard work. You would feel as if you won a lottery ticket, which is why this number is also used in slot machines.

In a nutshell, 777 serves as an indicator of assistance and motivation on your spiritual path.
7 w o n d e r s o f t h e w o r l d - interpreted by Ms.Kiwi
There are more than 7 wonders of the world, whether it's a monumental wonder, an architectural wonder or a natural wonder, the number will always exceed 7. Which means the 7 wonders of the world narrows itself down to a selection of wonderful places in the world, existing or destroyed. So for this project instead of using a pre-selection of 7 wonders in this world we live in, I selected 7 lost cities that make you wonder what this same planet used to look like when reigned by our ancestors.

1. La Ciudad Perdida , Colombia
2. Vijayanagara, India

3. Atlantis city (now underwater)
4. Babylon, Mesopotamia(now Iraq)
5. Tenochtitlan, Mexico
7. Meroƫ, Sudan
6. Angkor, Cambodia